Raise more.
Easy & free.

DonationOS by Yezza help NGOs, schools, madrasahs, mosques & all change-makers easily raise donations, analyse donors database & engage with supporters.
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Donation Page with Goal Bar

Build your donation page easily, with compelling written text & unlimited photos & videos. Embed it in your website or print it as a QR code. With goal bar, raise more from motivated donors that can track your campaign progress in real-time. Worry not, you can still hide the goal bar to keep it open-ended.

Customer Database, Segments & Analytics

Own your donors database & create segments for a specific group of donors. Make informed decisions based on analytics given & with all donor history in one place, you can now focus on raising more to move your mission forward.

SMS & Email Blast

Build relationship with donors thanks to personalised SMS & email messages. With high delivery rate, you can now track the open rate & ROI of your communication with them. You have more than 100,000 donors list? Yes, now you can do a personalised engagement with them.

Recurring donations

Create sustainable and predictive revenue by letting your donors to set recurring donations on weekly & monthly basis. Accept payment from majority debit card and credit card.

Peer-to-peer fundraising

Raise more with free peer-to-peer fundraising software for your nonprofit. Empower your most passionate supporters to engage their family, friends, and community in supporting your campaign.

Accept payments, everywhere

Raise from local donors that love local payment methods. On top of that, you can launch your campaign in other countries as well & raise cross-border donations. Not only one-time donation, you can let them do the recurring donations on weekly & monthly basis.

We build this for


Schools & Madrasah


All donation fundraisers

More than 20+ features

1. Donation Page

Build & easily custom your donation page with photos & videos.

2. Goal Bar

Track donation goal & show it at the donation page (optional)

3. Multiple Campaigns

Launch & track multiple donation campaigns

4. Campaign Analytics

Analyse & optimise each donation campaigns

5.  Donors Database

Build & own your donor database.

6. Donors Profile

View donors’ profile in depth & their history.

7. Donors Segments

Segment you donors & target specific groups for engagement.

8. Clean redundancy donors

We detect any duplication of donors & clean your database.

9. Import database

Easily import more than 100,000 customer database to Yezza.

10.Embed / Button / QR Code

Let people donate anywhere everywhere

11. Fundraisers system

Let people help raise donation for your campaign

12. Tax Exemption Receipt

This receipt help your donors claim their tax.

13. Tiktok / FB / IG Pixel

Re-marketing to potential donors in social media platforms

14. SEO friendly

Rank your donation page on Google Search

15. Custom Domain

Own your .com url link & make it standout. Or use your own domain.

16. Integrations / Webhook

Integrate with thousands of other systems. Including yours.

17. SMS Blast

Blast SMS to your donors database or segments that you choose

18. Email Blast

Blast Email to your donors database or segments that you choose

19. Accept Local Payment (RM1)

Card, e-wallet & FPX as low as RM1

20. Accept International Payment

Launch & accept donation from international donors.

21. Donation package

Let people donate by amount or create your own donation package.

22. Transfer the fee to donors

95% of donors are willing to cover the processing fee. Keep 100% of the donations, help more people.

23. 99.9 uptime

100,000 visitors at one time? Let us handle the load for you

24. Free

No monthly subscription fee.

25. Local language

Use local language for your campaign & system (English, Malay & Indonesia)

Manage your donation easily.
Start today

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How Yezza make money?

We negotiate fee from our payment gateway provider.

How most campaign keep 100% of the donations?

You can transfer the processing fee to the donors. More than 95% of donors are willing to cover the fee for you, so you keep 100% of the donations.

What payment method do you support?

We support all local payment methods for Malaysia & Indonesia (online banking (FPX), cards & e-wallets)

Do you have recurring donation?

Yes! Now you can accept recurring donations.

Can we raise from other countries?

Yes, we do support cross-border donations using cards.

Can we convert & transfer database from other system?

Of course & it’s super easy. You can just upload your file to our system even if you own more than 100,000 donors in your database.

We already have a website. Can we integrate Yezza to our website?

Yes, you can embed Yezza donation page to your website by embed code or button. In fact, you can generate the QR Code & print it on your physical brochures.

Can the donors donate anonymously?

Yes, we understand that not all donors want to reveal their names.